Founder and CEO
HPS Media Group
dba Hanney Property Solutions, Inc.
If you're looking to buy or sell property in Rhode Island or Massachusetts, head on over to J.E. Group Properties by clicking the button below. We save you money with a much lower commission fee. A homeowner selling a $400,000 home with us will save over $7,000 with our full service, professional brokerage. We’re focused on the sale–not the commission.
If you're a Real Estate Broker or Agent and wish to take your listings to the next level with HDR photography, virtual tours, and floor plans, visit HPS Media.
If you're a business or institution and would like to learn how we can generate traffic by showcasing your business or institution with a virtual tour, click below.
Do you have a vacant or underperforming investment property? Is your vacation house sitting empty? We can help protect one of your biggest assets with our Home Watch service. If you prefer, we can manage your vacant space as a short-term rental, turning your property into a revenue-generating investment. Visit Hanney Property Solutions for details.